Services Provided by Open Arms in 2024
- Open Arms provided a total of 9,964 individual services in 2024.
- 52 adults and 45 children were provided with safe housing at our emergency shelter.
- Served 272 individuals in our Rape Crisis Program through emergency room advocacy and individual and group support.
- Supported 263 children in Hancock County through our Child Advocacy Program
- 4,344 children in Hancock County received prevention and awareness education.
- 1,137 adults participated in our Outreach Program, including support group, individual support, legal advocacy, and emergency room advocacy.
- Received 1,465 crisis calls on our 24-hour crisis hotline.
- Assisted 62 individuals through our text/chat services.
- Reached out to 491 people in Hancock County through group presentations and our community education and awareness efforts.
- Provided 1,088 supervised visits through our Harmony House program to 250 adults and 149 children.
The following links provide more information about domestic violence and sexual assault.
Hancock Co. Common Pleas Court: Civil Protection Order (CPO)
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence