Harmony House is our supervised visitation and exchange program offered in a comfortable environment that provides a safe, structured and neutral alternative to unsupervised visitation. The visitation rooms are warm, friendly atmospheres where children of any age may visit with their non-custodial parent or transition from one parent to the other for visitation.
Harmony House was created to assist children who are caught in the middle of a situation which is beyond their control. The need for supervised visitation or exchanges may be due to issues related to divorce or separation, child abuse, domestic violence, restraining orders between parties, threats, or other safety concerns where a neutral setting would increase a family’s level of comfort and safety.
What Services Does Harmony House Provide?
Supervised Visitation: Visits are held at Harmony House. They last one to two hours at a time and are monitored by visitation staff who observe the visit, record activities, and intervene, if necessary, for the emotional or physical safety of the child. Harmony House has a variety of toys, games and activities for families.
Supervised Exchanges: Exchanges are for parents who are not required to have supervision while visiting their children but need to be able to make the exchange without interacting with the other parent. A staff person monitors the exchange.
How Are Families Referred?
Families may call or be referred by the courts or professionals to Open Arms. Each party must go through an intake prior to scheduling services. To schedule an intake for the program, contact Open Arms Administrative Office at 419-420-9261.
When Is Harmony House Open?
Harmony House staff will do all scheduling of visitations and exchanges with input from all parties. All visits are scheduled in advance. For safety reasons, we request that contact with Harmony House be by appointment only.
There is a fee of $30 for the initial intake and then a fee of $15 a parent per exchange and $25 per hour for visitation. A sliding scale fee is also available to those who qualify.